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Instrument manufacturer

The pointer meter factory from Taiwan was founded in 1977



Kunshan voltmeter manufacturer
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Precautions for ammeter

2019-06-06 11:40:37

Introduction of Kunshan ammeter manufacturer precautions for ammeter

Kunshan ammeter manufacturer

1. Correct wiring. When measuring the current, the ammeter should be connected in series with the circuit under test; When measuring the voltage, the voltmeter should be connected in parallel with the circuit under test. When measuring DC current and voltage, attention must be paid to the polarity of the instrument, which should be consistent with the measured polarity.

2. Measurement of high voltage and high current. When measuring high voltage or large current, voltage transformer or current transformer must be used. The range of voltmeter and ammeter shall be consistent with the secondary rating of transformer. Generally, the voltage is 100V and the current is 5A.

3. Range expansion. When the measured value in the circuit exceeds the measuring range of the instrument, the external shunt or voltage divider can be used, but it should be noted that its accuracy level should be consistent with the accuracy level of the instrument.

4. In addition, it should be noted that the use environment of the instrument should meet the requirements and be far away from the external magnetic field.

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