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Instrument manufacturer

The pointer meter factory from Taiwan was founded in 1977



Kunshan voltmeter manufacturer
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How to use ammeter

2019-05-22 11:40:18

Kunshan ammeter manufacturer's introduction of ammeter operation steps

Kunshan ammeter manufacturer

1. Zero calibration: use a flat screwdriver to adjust the zero calibration button.

2. Selection of measuring range (estimated by experience or by touch test)

To sum up, there are three look and three ask, first to see the range of the ammeter, generally there is a mark on the dial. After connecting the positive and negative terminals of the ammeter into the circuit, observe the position of the pointer, and you can read. In addition, the ammeter with appropriate range should be selected. Can try to touch first, if the pointer swing is not obvious, then change the small range of the meter. If the pointer swings at a large angle, change the meter with a large range. Generally, the pointer is in the middle of the dial, so the reading is more appropriate.

A look: range. Measuring range of ammeter.

Second, see: division value. How much does a small space on the dial represent.

Third look: pointer position. How many index values does the position of the pointer contain.

Previous: Ammeter reading2019-05-22 11:40:26
Next: Rules for ammeter use2019-05-22 11:40:47

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