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Kunshan voltmeter manufacturer
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Understanding the tachometer

2019-06-06 11:40:37

Kunshan tachometer manufacturers take us to understand the tachometer

Kunshan tachometer manufacturer

Tachometer is one of the necessary instruments in machinery industry, which is used to measure the speed, linear speed or frequency of motor. Commonly used in motor, fan, paper, plastic, chemical fiber, washing machine, automobile, aircraft, ship and other manufacturing industries. Most commonly used for hand-held centrifugal tachometer. Tachometer measurement is essential in all fields of national economy.

Rotational speed is a physical quantity of the ratio of the number of rotations to time of a rotating body. In engineering, it is usually expressed as rotational speed = number of rotations / time, which is an important parameter to describe the rotational motion of an object. In electrical engineering, it is often necessary to measure the speed of motor and its driving equipment, and the portable tachometer is used. Tachometer is used to measure motor speed and linear speed. There are many kinds of tachometers, including mechanical centrifugal tachometer and digital electronic tachometer.

Previous: Working principle of tachometer2019-05-22 11:40:47
Next: Classification of voltmeters2019-05-22 11:40:32

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